Pediatric and Family Nutrition

Revive Dietitians: Your Partners in Health

Our pediatric and family dietitians are passionate about helping you and your family enjoy mealtimes and ensure everyone is healthy and happy. They understand your needs and goals and are here to guide you through a personalized journey tailored just for you.

Do you:

  • Struggle with mealtimes?
  • Have a child that will only eat certain foods and reject others?
  • Have a child who has allergies and don’t know what foods to offer?
  • Want to learn more about starting solids for your little one?
  • Want quick and easy recipes the whole family will enjoy?

Discover what it’s like to have stress-LESS mealtimes and learn about:

  • Healthy eating for optimal growth
  • Meal planning for the entire family
  • Breastfeeding/formula feeding
  • Starting solids
  • Baby-led weaning
  • Picky/selective eating
  • Allergies and food intolerances
  • Failure to thrive
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Pediatric weight management

Ready to Start?

Book a FREE 15-Minute Discovery Session!

  • Share your needs and see if we’re the right match for you.
  • Learn about our process, approach to nutrition coaching, and what working with us involves.
  • Ask any questions about our approach to nutrition services.
  • If we’re a match, your dietitian will guide you with the next steps.

Specialized Packages for Pediatrics and Family Nutrition




Initial Nutrition Assessment



6 Follow-Ups

(25-min each)**

5% Savings




Initial Nutrition Assessment


2 Body Composition Analyses

10 Follow-Ups

(25-min each)**

10% Savings




Initial Nutrition Assessment


4 Body Composition Analyses

24 Follow-Ups

(25-min each)**

15% Savings

WordPress Pricing Table
* Package timelines may vary
** Follow-Ups can be combined to make a longer 50-min session

Did You Know?

Many health benefits plans offer partial or full coverage for dietitian services, potentially reducing out-of-pocket expenses for you. This coverage can make accessing personalized nutrition advice and support more affordable and accessible, helping you to invest in your health without financial strain.

Additional Information

Package Add-Ons

What is My Viva Plan?

We set out to build one program that combines the best parts of the many digital health tools on the market. My Viva Plan® is a meal planner, reflection and progress tracker, workout builder, lifestyle resource library, and more, all in one application. We are so confident in this program that we included it in all our nutrition packages to help you meet your goals. My Viva Plan® is also available on its own in a monthly or yearly subscription.

Answers to Common Questions

Pediatric appointments

Please ensure that all forms are completed no later than 24 hours before the appointment. Depending on the concerns, it may be helpful to bring your child’s growth charts to the session along with a general idea of what they eat on an average day.

We offer services for children of all ages. This includes newborns, infants, toddlers, school-aged children, and teenagers.

Please note that for children aged 16 and above, we require that the child books their own sessions. For children under the age of 16, a parent or guardian can book the child’s sessions, but the child must be present in the session if they are at least 10 years old.

Whether your child is struggling with picky eating, allergies, or nutrient deficiencies, our dietitians can help with a range of child and family nutrition issues. This includes:

  • Selective or picky eating
  • Food allergies and intolerances
  • Healthy eating for optimal growth
  • Failure to thrive (FTT)
  • Nutrient deficiencies
  • Pediatric weight management
  • Starting solids
  • Nutrient deficiencies

Schedule a discovery call with one of our registered dietitians to see how we can best help you and your family.

Please be advised that we do require your credit card details on file before booking an Initial Nutrition Assessment. Doing so will improve the efficiency of your sessions, as we can save time from having to obtain your payment information each session (which otherwise would make your sessions shorter). We also hold credit card information on file to hold the appointment or if we need to process a late cancellation or session no-show fee.

Please be aware that our team will inform you before processing transactions with your payment information. All payment information held on your file is kept confidential and secure.


The cost of our services covers more than just your visit! Your nutritionist must dedicate time and resources to research and develop a plan that works just for you. Often two to three hours of  “behind the scenes” time go along with your one-hour session. At Revive, our pricing is in line with industry standards.

Since benefits plans vary widely and our team has no access to this type of information, it is your responsibility to learn about and understand your benefits coverage.

There are different ways that health benefit providers administer their benefits coverage. They may provide up-front coverage (such as Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) or Employee and Family Assistance Programs (EFAP)) or third-party reimbursements. We do not offer direct billing services.

For accessing coverage through reimbursement, we require you to pay for our services or packages upfront, and the dietitian will provide you with receipts to submit for reimbursement. Your dietitian may provide a lump-sum receipt, if your benefits provider allows for large claims to be submitted, or they will issue one smaller receipt after each counselling session. Your health benefits provider will reimburse the coverage amount; they may cover the cost in full or in part.

If you have more than one health benefits provider, you can submit the remaining amount not covered by one provider to the other. Please check with your health benefits provider(s) for coverage details before booking a session.

If you do not have health benefits coverage, we require you to pay for our services or packages upfront.

Various extended health benefit plans cover dietitian services in full or part. Discuss your eligibility with your health benefits provider. Confirm whether your plan covers registered dietitian or nutritionist services. Knowing details of your benefits coverage, per-session limits, coverage reset date, etc., can help you make an informed decision. You are responsible for ensuring your benefit plan covers services by a registered dietitian and whether a doctor’s note is required.

Please be advised that we do require your credit card details on file before booking an Initial Nutrition Assessment. Doing so will improve the efficiency of your sessions, as we can save time from having to obtain your payment information each session (which otherwise would make your sessions shorter). We also hold credit card information on file to hold the appointment or if we need to process a late cancellation or session no-show fee.

Please be aware that our team will inform you before processing transactions with your payment information. All payment information held on your file is kept confidential and secure.

Work with a registered dietitian

In general, a dietitian can obtain registration with one or more provinces and can only provide services to residents of all the provinces they are registered with. Some provinces in Canada allow any dietitian registered with another province to provide virtual services to residents of their province.

Our team of dietitians can provide services to the residents of the following provinces:

  • British Columbia
  • Alberta
  • Saskatchewan
  • Yukon
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut
  • New Brunswick
  • Nova Scotia
  • Newfoundland and Labrador

If you reside in another province and are interested in dietitian services, please contact our office for information.

Research shows that though diets may help you lose weight initially, they do not help with long-term weight management. Our nutritionists help you develop skills for life, providing the ongoing support that fad diets do not.

Many people see nutritionists for a variety of reasons besides weight loss. Sports nutrition, disease management, and corporate wellness are just a few of the areas our nutritionists excel in.

The term “dietitian” is protected by law across Canada, which means that only individuals who meet specific educational qualifications, criteria, and standards can use this title. The term “Nutritionist” may or may not be protected, depending on the province. Provinces like Alberta, Quebec, and Nova Scotia have protected this title by law, meaning that nutritionists in these provinces have met the same criteria and standards as dietitians.

In other provinces, the title “Nutritionist” is not protected by law. Titles such as Registered Holistic Nutritionists (RHN), Certified Nutritional Practitioners (CNP), Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner (RNCP), Registered Nutritional Therapist (RNT), National Nutrition Clinical Practitioner (NNCP) etc., are often used by nutrition providers who might have completed privately-owned training programs that are not accredited. As a result, individuals using these titles may not be regulated health professionals.

For the best nutrition advice and information, look for a qualified and experienced professional. You can contact your province’s dietetic regulatory body to ensure you receive services from a qualified dietitian.

For more information, read the full Dietitians of Canada article on Dietitians and Nutritionists.

Our dietitians cannot provide clients with requisitions to complete blood testing. Since we are a private practice, we are not connected with the public healthcare system’s labs or health records.

If a client requires blood work at any given time, your dietitian will recommend that you contact your physician to obtain a requisition for blood work.

Practice Better is Revive’s secure system for scheduling sessions, hosting video sessions, form submissions, document sharing, record storage, chat messaging, and more.

My Viva Plan is the application we use to build your programming. It contains your nutrition plan, fitness plan, progress tracking, lifestyle assessments, and more.

Please be aware that My Viva Plan is not integrated with Practice Better. As such, you must make separate login credentials for each platform.

Sessions and scheduling

A 15-minute discovery session is a free service provided by our dietitians. It is the first step in your journey and is a chance for us to get to know you, understand your needs, and determine if we are a good fit for each other. It is also an opportunity for you to learn about our process, pricing and service options, and what to expect when working with us. If you have questions regarding our process or approach to nutrition services, this is the time to ask!

If you determine that we are a good fit for you, your dietitian can assist with booking further appointments to start your journey.

Unfortunately, we are not able to provide personalized nutrition advice in a discovery session. We only provide such advice after completing a nutrition assessment.

If you would like more than one person to attend one or more sessions to discuss shared concerns, please book a discovery session so the dietitian can assess if this is appropriate.

For children 16 years of age and older, we require that the child attend the appointment independently.

For children below the age of 16 years, a child may be accompanied by their parent or guardian. The dietitian will discuss with you what the best approach is to ensure an excellent experience while providing the best care to the child.

Partners are free to join appointments as long as the client receiving services consents to this arrangement. If you and your partner would like to both see our dietitians, we recommend each person complete an initial assessment separately so our dietitians can have a better understanding of each person’s specific individual health needs and goals. If you feel that you may benefit from some joint sessions, we can discuss how this can be arranged.

Health information can not be shared with partners via phone or other means outside of the appointment due to privacy laws.

Parents or guardians can book appointments for their children who are below 16 years of age.

For clients who are 16 years of age or older, appointments must be booked by the client unless the client has provided written consent that authorizes another person to book appointments on their behalf.

Absolutely. For many reasons, a client’s journey with us may extend beyond the end of the first package they purchase. You can purchase a follow-up bundle, which acts as an extension to your package, or individual sessions.

We encourage you to collaborate with your dietitian on this decision to ensure you make the best decision for your journey and goals.